Rabia Teaches: Education and Equity Consultation Services​
Services Offered
*Listed below are some of the different services offered. We are always open to collaborating on services and projects that are most relevant and responsive for you.
Please email rabia91k@gmail.com to discuss and inquire about consultation packages, session details and our rates. We look forward to working with you!

Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Audits
An Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Audit allows us to look at texts, websites, books, illustrations, links etc. critically and closely to see the messages they communicate. In this service, an Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Audit Framework and checklist is used to write a review with specific comments to support the client and their work.
Resource Development and Curated Booklists
Building relevant and responsive booklists is one of the ways we can ensure equity and inclusion.
In this service, we will work together to learn about your school context, student's identities and lived experiences to build a booklist that is relevant and meaningful for your school community. Various booklist options available. Some examples include: 50, 100, 150, 200 etc. recommended titles.
Workshops for Educators
Interactive Professional Development Workshops for K-12 Educators/ Professionals focused on a wide range of equity, anti-oppression and literacy topics. Each workshop is around 1.5-2 hours in length with specific resources. Please email for specific session descriptions, rates, available dates and times.
Virtual Workshops Being Offered Currently:
-From Kindness to Anti-Racism: Centering Identity and Critical Consciousness for Critical Teaching
-"Mirrors and Windows' Oh My Using Stories to Build Equitable and Identity Affirming Learning Spaces​
-Beyond the Booklist: Critical Resource Selection with an Equity Lens
-Children's Literature and Activism: A Framework for Using Books to teach for Activism and Action
-The History of Children's Literature: How the Past Informs the Present
-Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy in a Racially Homogenous School Community
-On Representing the Community: Curating a Relevant and Responsive Book Collection
-Stories Can Change the World: Using Stories to Disrupt Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Hate
-Teaching Literacy with an Equitable and Anti- Oppressive Stance
-I See You and You Belong Here: Teaching English Language Learners with an Equity and Anti-Oppressive Stance
-Resource Collection Weeding as an Equity Issue
-“Another World is not only possible… it is on its way”: Using Books as tools for Social Justice Education in the Classroom
-Social Justice Inquiry: A Framework and Case Studies
Educational Equity Coaching
Equity Coaching is a flexible approach (individual, group, ongoing or one time basis) to support the client's goals. In this service, we will create short and long term goals to build a plan of action for equity in education.
Equity Sensitivity Readings
Equity Sensitivity Book Readings and Reviews allow for critical and careful close examination of the text and illustrations of a book/resource.
In this service, a comprehensive equity sensitivity book review is provided to the client with next steps in terms of equity issues such a representation and inclusion etc.
Workshops for Students
Interactive workshops on a wide range of issues and topics for students in K-Grade 12. The time frame is flexible, age appropriate and responsive.
Virtual Workshops Being Offered Currently:
-Stories Can Change the World: Using Stories to Counter Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Hate​
-"That's Not Right!": Understanding Identity and Becoming an Ally
Book Reviews
Book Reviews allow us to carefully read and review a book/resource through an equity lens. In this service, a comprehensive book review is provided to the client.
Curriculum Writing and Development
Equity Sensitivity Book Readings and Reviews allow for critical and careful close examination of the text and illustrations of a book/resource.
In this service, a comprehensive equity sensitivity book review is provided to the client with next steps in terms of equity issues such a representation and inclusion etc.
Workshops for Families
Interactive workshops on a wide range of issues and topics for families with children in the in K-Grade 12 school system. The time frames are flexible, relevant and responsive.
Virtual Workshops Being Offered Currently:
-Building Inclusive and Equitable Bookshelves: A Workshop for Families
-Social Justice Talk: A Framework for Critical Conversations at Home
Resource Development and Curated Booklists
Building relevant and responsive booklists is one of the ways we can ensure equity and inclusion.
In this service, we will work together to learn about your school context, student's identities and lived experiences to build a booklist that is relevant and meaningful for your school community. Various booklist options available. Some examples include: 50, 100, 150, 200 etc. recommended titles.
Speaking Engagements
Speaking Engagements include speeches, panel discussions, moderating events etc.
Let's Collaborate!
We are open and excited to work and collaborate with you! Please feel free to email and reach out with your ideas around collaboration.
Previously Worked With
Linden Meadows School, Winnipeg
Flux Teacher Conference
Acadia Junior Highschool, Winnipeg
Winnipeg Adult Education Center
Manitoba Reading Association
District School Board of Niagara
Toronto Star Book Recommendations
University of Toronto: Dr. Eric Jackman Institute
Parents for Diversity
Limestone District School Board
Annick Press
Ottawa Catholic District School Board
Penguin Random House Canada: Young Readers Department
Conference for Anti-Racist Educators
York Region District School Board
Indigo Diversify Your Library
The Critical Thinking Consortium
Simcoe County Elementary Teachers’ Federation
CODE: Council of Ontario Directors of Education